How Can You Achieve Your Goals?

That is what you will discover at Accelerator Queensland. Our program is based on the thinking of growth strategist Verne Harnish, one of the founders of the Entrepreneurs' Organization. Before you start the program, you’ll complete the “ 4D Vision Summary”. With this you describe in one page what the turnover goals of your business are, when you are going to achieve them and how you are going to do this.

The four main pillars of our method – Strategy, People, Finance and Execution – they help you to steer the growth of your company in the right direction.

What’s Included?

  • Accountability

    Accountability is an important part of the Accelerator growth program. That is why you will be placed in an Accountability Group together with four other entrepreneurs. Led by an EO Accountability Coach, you'll work together to find the sore spots that keep your business from reach the million. The focus is on the 4D Vision Summary that you have completed.

    The monthly sessions are confidential and based on personal responsibility and experience. Everyone speaks from experience, no one gives advice. You draw your own conclusions, make decisions and determine your own course.

  • Scaling Up Workshops

    You will be required to attend four, full day work-shops. The main pillars of the growth program – Strategy, Finance, People and Execution – are each discussed in detail in its own session. The theme is discussed from several angles during the session.

    Each session is supervised by a certified Scaling Up trainer. In addition, experts from all over the world are called in to further shape the theme. As a result, the events offer concrete learnings with great take-home value. This substantive value is further enhanced by the enormous energy of the network. It is an ideal opportunity for any entrepreneur.

  • Events

    EO Brisbane brings world leading speakers and visionaries to our Members. As part of your local Membership, you get access to some EO Membership calendar of events designed to cover a broad array of topics in varying formats and venues. There’s no limit to the ingenuity and innovation and our events, so go ahead and dream big.

  • Mentorship

    You’ll have access to the Mentorship program. We will put you as a participant (Mentee) in contact with an experienced entrepreneur from the EO network (Mentor). These mentors have made their mark in business and the match is always based on specific development needs or challenges.

    Your mentor will advise and assist you with concrete challenges and developments and will also share his knowledge and experience with you. The mentor will help you set goals and you will meet regularly to discuss progress.

    This is a 12 month program that commences every September.

Scaling Up Workshops.